Sunday School Snacks
- Donations needed
- Cookies, crackers, pretzels, etc.
- And gluten & nut free choices
- Label & leave in kitchen
- Contact Tami King
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LWML Fall Rally
- Saturday, October 20
- 9:00 a.m. breakfast
- 9:30 a.m. program
- Blessed Savior, New Berlin
- Contact Bev Kuntzsch
Youth Bible Study
- Monday, October 15, 7-9:00 p.m.
- Grades 7th through college
- Mukwonago area
- Bible study, fellowship, snacks
- Contact Sam Buchmeyer
Fellowship Lunch
- Sunday, October 21, after service
- Help needed with set-up/clean-up last names I-Z
- Bring a side dish
- Dessert & main dish provided
- Contact Sara Hommel
Intercessory Prayer
- Saturday, October 27, 9:00 a.m. at church
- Opportunity to pray with others
- Contact Marshall Beale
Operation Christmas Child
- Shoeboxes in narthex
- Gift suggestions inside boxes
- Return filled boxes by Sunday, November 11
- Contact Tami King