The following message is from Steve Buchmeyer:
This week I plan to share some thoughts with everybody leading up to Sunday’s service. I encourage everybody to take time to mediate on both the account of the Samaritan woman from John Chapter 4 and Romans 6:1-10.
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For all the times we have heard that people like things the way they are we sure see a lot of change in our lives. Nothing stays the same, always something pushing so that we are never enjoying the life as we want it or like it. We can all think of endless examples. Could it be that the driving force for this happening is something that God established in his creation? Some people see it as evolution, some people see it as the opportunity to make the better mouse trap and some simply don’t like the way their life is and want it to be better. What if God placed the desire to change in our make-up, we are all wired to seek it. While many people direct that inherit drive to advance technology or medicine, or add to our understanding of the world, what if the reason we have that spark in the first place is to change spiritually? In Romans 12:2 the apostle Paul writes, “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Could it simply be that God has placed a drive in your life not to remodel the home or to successfully beat Chess at level 10 on your computer, but what if that drive was given so that you would seek a transformation of eternal measure? What spiritual change is God bringing about in you and what will it require for that to happen?

I was thinking about the verses that Steve had passed along for Sunday. I thought back to an incident from years and years ago that I had never thought of in this way previously. Here is what happened:
I had taken a noodle lunch to work – one of those where you add hot water to the container and let it sit for a couple of minutes while the noodles soften. My plan was to use the office coffee maker to heat up water.
This would have been great, except for Wayne. Wayne had come upon the old pot of coffee, now cold, that was left over from the day before. He decided to pour the coffee back through the machine to heat it up again. The coffee maker, however, was one of those with a reservoir, and his attempt to reheat the old coffee resulted in a light brown liquid that was neither coffee nor water.
Not realizing what had happened, I put what should have been hot water into my noodles. My lunch was ruined by half-coffee/half-water.
So now to fix the coffee machine problem….
Clean water was the key. But it took much more than just one pot. With each pot of clean water in, what came out grew cleaner and cleaner, but it took many pots of clean water to clear out that one initial bad decision.
Then I thought of Romans 12 where it says, “I urge you, brothers, by the mercies of our God, that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Him, which is your reasonable service, and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind….”
Renewing our mind takes the continued persistent application of the living water of the Spirit pouring through, clearing out our wrong decisions, our wrong thinking.
Living Water, pour through me. Renew me.