Fellowship Lunch
- Sunday, July 22, after the service
- Everyone invited
- Bring side dish or dessert
- Meat provided
- Clean-up & set-up last name A-H
- Contact Sara Hommel
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Family Fun Day
- Saturday, July 21, 12:30-3:30 p.m.
- Wirth Park Pool, Brookfield
- All are invited
- Contact Tami King
Intercessory Prayer
- Saturday, July 28, 9:00 a.m. at church
- Opportunity to pray with others
- Contact Marshall Beale
Church Picnic
- Sunday, August 5
- Nettesheim Park in Pewaukee
- 10:00 a.m. worship service
- Lunch to follow
- Sign-up on bulletin board
- Contact Cary Freiberg
Family Camping
- Friday-Sunday, July 27-29
- Camp LuWiSoMo, Wild Rose
- Sign-up on bulletin board, or contact Phil or Lisa Kuehl