First Friday
- All youth 7th grade-college invited
- June 1, 7-10:30 p.m. home of Tom & Claudia Phillip
- Fellowship, Bible study, worship time & snacks
- Parents welcome
- Bring 2-liter bottle of soda or a snack
- Contact Pastor Tom
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Abortion Clinic Ministry
- Saturday, June 2, 8-10:00 a.m.
- Affiliated Medical Services, 1428 N. Farwell Avenue, Milwaukee
- Contact Becky Jest
Church Picnic
- Save the date for Sunday, August 5
- Nettesheim Park in Pewaukee
- 10:00 a.m. worship service followed by potluck
- Contact Cary Freiberg
Sunday, June 3
- Adult Bible study resumes at 9:00 a.m.
- Sunday school has concluded, resumes in September
- Contact Tami King
VBS Helpers Needed
- Lesson leader
- Snack leader
- Art leader (crafts pre-planned)
- 2 group leaders (take students to different areas)
- Various youth to help leaders
- Contact Tami King