Maforga is a Christian orphanage, school and clinic located on a farm Western central Mozambique and has been in operation since 1986. This is the ministry that Dave DeBruine served with in January. Over the years they have established on the farm:
- Three orphanages – one for babies and toddlers, one for teen girls and also one for teen boys.
- A Christian primary school for 600 students – this is the only primary school in a 6 mile radius. Without this school, the children wouldn’t get any education.
- A church
- A clinic. The clinic is currently not operational due to a shortage of medical personnel but recently an American missionary has moved to Maforga to reopen the clinic.
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There are many needs that Maforga has, but the most pressing needs are to drill a new well to provide a steady supply of fresh water to the orphans and the clinic and to provide funding for the school.
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