Cabin Fever Family Fun Day
- Sunday, February 17, at Milwaukee Lutheran High School
- 10:00 a.m. worship service with Paul Bahr
- Followed by a potluck
- Swimming, basketball, volleyball, board games
- Invite family & friends
- Sign-up sheet on bulletin board
- Contact Carole Gille
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Ash Wednesday
- February 13 supper 5-6:15 p.m.
- Help needed with cooking, clean-up, set-up, serving
- Can cook at home or church
- Contact Sara Hommel
- Communion service 6:30 p.m.
Prayer Chain—contact Carole Gille with your prayer needs
Church Directory
- Updating in progress
- New section “Connections” to include adult children living out-of-state or local area
- Want to include—contact Cary Freiberg with info
Intercessory Prayer
- Saturday, February 16, 9:00 a.m. at church
- 3rd Saturday instead of 4th
- Opportunity to pray with others
- Contact Marshall Beale
Baskets of Promise
- Collecting items for school kits
- See bulletin for needs
- Monetary donations pay for backpacks & shipping
- Contacts Tami King & Cary Freiberg