by Corrie, DTS student
Sunday after church, we visited a slum community to help host a program for the children. We started playing games and learning the kids’ names, and soon we were all friends. With the parents looking on, we sang songs and danced. Each of us picked a partner, linked arms, and spun in a circle.
I danced with a 4-year old girl who stole my heart! After we spun around, she smiled up at me. Her smile and her joy were so precious!
We taught about “The Good Samaritan” and the kids had to choose who made the right choice in the story. We taught them silly songs like “The Hippopotamus Song” and “I Will Call Upon the Lord” in karate style. After giving prizes and playing Simon Says, our translator talked to them some more. All too soon, it was time to say goodbye.
They would respectfully “wai” (a bowing gesture) to say thank you and then they were gone. We only had an hour with these children. My team and I may never see any of these children again. But, dancing and singing with them was an honor. It truly made me happy and brought joy to my soul.
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Some may ask what difference an hour will make? Here is how I see it. God has spoken to us and opened the door for us to be here and doing this. I want them to see Jesus in us. They are His creation. Although He is no longer here in bodily form to hug and play with them, we are His hands and His feet. So it is our duty, no, it is our honor and joy to do this! It is our privilege to tell them who Jesus is. And it is our privilege to tell of his great love for them.
We may not speak their language and be able to tell them with words, but we can show them through our unashamed love as His Spirit lives out through our actions.
Mark 10:13-16 “‘Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ And he (Jesus) took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.”
Run to the Father at all times like children do and love Him with all your heart!
This entry was posted in Children at Risk DTS 2012, Outreach Stories and tagged Asia, children at risk, Discipleship Training School, DTS, missions, Outreach, YWAM Madison by Monika.