“Dangers” of working at the children’s home
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by Samantha, DTS student
Due to flight cancellations, we stayed in Juarez for longer than we originally planned. So this weekend our team had the privilege of helping out as acting staff at Rancho Los Amigos, which is a home to abandoned, neglected, and abused children from various parts of Mexico.
Before we started, Hermano, the leader of the home, warned us, “Just be careful. These kids are dangerous. They steal. They will steal your heart.”
I smiled and nodded, not quite expecting it to happen to me in such a short time period.
Now it’s the end of the second 13-hour day of watching after the niñas. This involves waking them up, doing their hair, helping them find their things, somehow solving disputes in spite of the language barrier with most of them, playing with them, supervising, and finally putting them to sleep.
Most of my team is asleep now, but I’m just sitting here on my bed, wondering how I could possibly leave these precious chicas and chicos with the thought of never seeing them again; never again seeing their faces light up with their beautiful smiles, or hearing their voices ask me questions in rapid Spanish that they somehow expect me to understand.
Hermano was right – they’ve stolen my heart.