by Elisante, BSN student, from Tanzania
I first heard of Bible School for the Nations from Joshua S., (BSN leader in Australia) and a team he led to Tanzania in March 2008. I translated for them when they ran a BELT seminar in Arusha. I liked the teachings, as they were deeply based on what the Bible said. They helped us dig into the Bible and showed unity in the old and new testaments.
I was excited!
I had been staffing DTS in YWAM Tanzania and pastoring a church. I taught the word of God to youth in churches and conferences and taught Bible classes in schools. I also translated for several speakers as they taught from the Bible, mainly from English to Swahili. But I wanted to get more knowledge of the Word of God. There were questions that I couldn’t find answers to. I wanted to know about the law, if Adam and Eve had any choice, or if they were just going to sin anyway, and so many more.
As I prayed more about it, I knew I needed the BSN to give me more time to study, understand, and apply God’s Word. I applied for BSN Australia twice, but could not get there because of visas. I also tried to go to Nepal and Norway, but couldn’t get through because of visas and financial difficulties. I then applied to come to Madison!
Getting to the States was not easy. I needed so many documents to show the embassy that I am a “good” person and that I would return to Tanzania after BSN. Once I had all of the documents together, I thought I would apply for just myself. Bringing my wife and two young kids would be so expensive. Besides, the people at the embassy told me that it would be impossible for me to get the short term visa with my family.
When I told this to Manuel (BSN leader in Madison), he explained from God’s perspective the importance of bringing my family. Still, I applied for just myself.
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My family had visas, but no money to purchase tickets. People all over the world prayed for us and some gave gifts of money so we could come. And here we are. God is so good, Bwana Asifiwe!
To be in the BSN and learn has been the greatest experience ever! God is giving me a lot of understanding of His word and His plan for mankind. He’s showing me that He wants the Bible to be understood. He is opening my eyes to the truth.
I want to go back to Africa after my BSN and serve the Lord, teaching the truth in the church. I also want to translate the BSN teaching in Swahili, work with the BELT team in the Congo, and maybe even bring the BSN to Africa. In anything I do, I want to see people, pastors, and ministers of the word have a deeper understanding of the Bible. I want to share to other people the truth that is setting me free, that way we may also disciple the Nations.
Many people I know in Africa have limited understanding of the word of God. They love God, they are in the Church, but they don’t know God. I want to play my part, even though it’s a small part, to make God know. I started that by going to the Congo for out BSN outreach in January!
* Read Elisante’s story from the Congo: Is there hope for the Congo?.
This entry was posted in Bible Schools, BSN, Faith & Finances, News and tagged Bible school, Bible school for the nations, bible training, BSN, Faith & Finances, YWAM, YWAM Madison by Monika.