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Bangkok Red Light District
by Corrie, DTS student
A group of us headed out into the busy streets in Bangkok, praying over the area and talking with the people there. We have had the privilege of working with MST project, an organization that reaches out to sex tourists in the red light area. As we walked I got distracted taking in all the surroundings: flashing lights and loud club music that pulsed through my ears, men walking the streets, and women waiting to be bought for the night.
As I looked past the heaviness of it all, I was able to see the loneliness and rejection that had driven the men to this place. Instead of looking at them with disgust, I started to really look at them. I was able to see that they are simply hurt people, they are sinners just like I am. The only difference is that I have been saved by Jesus’ grace.
After we finished praying, we headed home. I felt stressed and couldn’t wait to get back inside. I was impatient while my teammates unlocked the door to let us back in — I just wanted inside and out of this mess. All of a sudden something struck me, these people can’t just leave when they want to, they don’t get to come inside out of the mess. I was free to leave the area when the door was unlocked. They live in it, they are trapped here. The women are in bondage to human trafficking – forced to be here, and the men are just as trapped – stuck in the deep bondage of sin. Each one of them have so much more value than this, they need to know about Jesus who loves them for who they are.
When I got inside, I finally understood the heaviness people talked about. It was overwhelming. Every night my team members came back and told the stories of the conversations that they had with the men. It amazes me to hear how willing the men are to talk about what is going on in their lives and their past hurts. One man, who was an atheist, started to really open up after talking to one of our groups. He was amazed that he met Christians who didn’t judge him, but lovingly had a conversation and listened to him. I wish that every single man and woman on that street could know the truth and freedom that Jesus offers.